Partnership Program – Frequently Asked Questions
Is the partnership program a grant or a sponsorship?
No, the fund is not a grant and our organization does not have a process or budget to sponsor activities/ events/organizations in the region. The partnerships are allocated on a first come first serve basis. It is an annual program with a finite set amount of funds. The funding is part of our annual transfer payment agreement from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport to the RTO12. The board of directors have the fiduciary responsibility to ensure the allocation of funds are dispersed to stakeholders for projects that align with the RTOs Business Operating Plan, the overall strategy, in order to further tourism in the region.
What is a conflict of interest and when/how does it relates to the partnership program and the intake process?
There are various potential conflicts of interest that may arise – an example would be if the third-party vendor for which services are being rendered was related to the partner requesting the funds. Any conflicts of interest or areas of concern will be noted and followed-up on to ensure adherence to the guidelines mandated by the ministry – it is at the sole discretion of the RTO to make a final decision regarding any conflicts of interest that arise and if the proposed partnership can move forward or not.
Do I have to have three quotes?
If your proposed budget is $ 5,000 or more, then you are required to submit three quotes and the rational for final consultant / company / vendor as per the competitive process guidelines mandated by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.
Is there any flexibility regarding the 50/50 split regarding the budget?
Yes – proposals and intakes are reviewed by management on a case-by-case basis, and at the discretion of the RTO, may be adjusted accordingly. The minimum partner contribution to the agreed budget is 50%.
Once my proposal has been approved, MOU signed, and I am having the vendor invoice, should I pay the invoice?
No. The process is such that the partner must direct their third-party vendor to invoice the RTO directly for the FULL amount. Then, the RTO invoices the partner directly for their financial responsibility of the project as per the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). It is imperative that the RTO be billed in full, and that the RTO bills the partner subsequently for their portion as this is required per ministry guidelines and for auditing purposes.
I have completed my partnership with Explorers’ Edge, is there anything further I am required to do post partnership?
Yes, the program administrator will follow up post event to request outcome metrics and wrap reports as this is required by the ministry for reporting purposes. Also, the invoice for the partners financial contribution of the project will be invoiced to the partner post-partnership. Terms are net 30 days and payment can be made via e-transfer to [email protected] or by cheque. Credit cards are not accepted at this time.
Is the partnership program an ongoing program offered by Explorers’ Edge?
Because we are provincially funded annually, we can only guarantee that the partnership program continues on a year-to-year basis. Therefore, we are only able to consider partnerships for the current fiscal. It is in the best interests of parties that are considering a potential partnership with the RTO to keep in touch with the program administrator and watch for media releases and announcements regarding the program for subsequent years. The RTO also conducts virtual information sessions, and will post any upcoming sessions on our website and through social media. Fiscal year for the RTO runs from April 1st to March 31st. Please note that no applications will be approved until the RTO has a signed Transfer Payment Agreement securing funds with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.
Further questions can be directed to Luke, Manager of Regenerative Projects at [email protected]