Consumer Insight Research Study
Consumer Insight Research Presentation, October 10, 2012
Click Here to view Consumer Insight Research Study
Additional Presentation: RTO Kick Off Meeting – TNS Presentation February 9, 2012
Program Overview
- The Consumer Insight Research will focus on determining best prospect target segments for Ontario and its regions
- Ontario trip information will be collected to enable profiling travelers and trips by region
Methodology for Insight Research
- Markets: Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba (estimated sample size 22,000)
- North-Eastern U.S.: from Washington DC to Wisconsin (estimated sample size 28,000)
- Data collection using mail panel to ensure effective representation
- Survey content would be the same for all markets
- Final survey and report content will be determined in consultation with RTOs
Partner Value and Benefits
- Participating RTOs will receive the following partnership benefits:
- Regional Report complete with Executive Summary highlighting key findings
- Detailed profile of best prospect travelers to region
- Consultation with OTMPC research team – throughout the process
- Presentation of research findings to RTO Board of Directors and/or Research Committee
Receive full access to entire database for ongoing and future analysis
- NO regional level report will be produced for RTOs who choose not to participate