Explorers’ Edge Joins the Muskoka Watershed Council
For Immediate Release
Explorers’ Edge Joins the Muskoka Watershed Council
Senior Director of Regenerative Tourism to sit as the organization’s representative.
(September 22, 2021…Bracebridge, Ontario) … In an effort to inform its new regenerative strategy, Explorers’ Edge has accepted an invitation from the Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) to join the prominent environmental sustainability organization as a member, said Executive Director James Murphy.
Citing his company’s 2021-2022 Business and Operational Plan, Murphy said that, in order to rebuild and recover from the substantial detrimental effects of the pandemic, Explorers’ Edge has adapted a ‘region-centric regenerative tourism approach’ to create innovative opportunities for industry resilience, wider community development, and organizational stability. This involves not only increasing visitation and spend for local tourism businesses, but also stewarding broader social, economic, cultural and environmental strategies for the long-term benefit of direct and indirect tourism stakeholders.
“Tourism remains one of the hardest hit industries as a result Covid-19,” he said, “and our focus is on ensuring the survival of our regional tourism businesses. But the pandemic has also afforded us the opportunity to re-think how one of the most important economic sectors in the region can build back better by also working in these additional areas. To that end, we are looking forward to sharing knowledge of our industry with other MWC members, and to learning about sustainability practices that can enhance the health of multiple watersheds across our greater region.”
Murphy said that Kate Monk, Senior Director of Regenerative Tourism Development and Communications for Explorers’ Edge, will sit as the representative on Council for the organization.
“As a tourist destination, our region is recognized globally for its incredible natural landscapes,” said Murphy, “and we are pleased to be joining the efforts to ensure that this remains the case for generations to come.”
“For a region of exceptional natural beauty such as Muskoka, tourism is not only an important stimulus to the economy, but one that speaks directly to the benefits of protecting our natural assets. MWC welcomes the insights and talent that Kate Monk and Explorer’s Edge will bring to our work to champion watershed health.” Geoff Ross, Chair of the Muskoka Watershed Council.
About Explorers’ Edge
Also known as RTO12, Explorers’ Edge is the destination development organization for Algonquin Park, the Almaguin Highlands, Loring-Restoule, Muskoka, Parry Sound and South Algonquin that is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Culture Industries. Explorers’ Edge was established in 2010 and is governed by a volunteer board of directors composed of tourism operators.
About the Muskoka Watershed Council
Muskoka Watershed Council is a volunteer-based non-profit organization incorporated in 2019 with the mandate to champion watershed health. MWC is comprised of representatives from a wide range of stakeholders, including municipal, provincial and federal governments; lake and area ratepayer associations; local industry, academia, tourism, real estate and other interests from across our watersheds. The Council is committed to the enhancement of the health and sustainability of the Muskoka River Watershed, northern parts of the Black-Severn River Watershed, and portions of the Georgian Bay shoreline and islands that lie within our area of interest.
For more information, please contact:
Kate Monk
Senior Director, Regenerative Tourism Development & Communications
Explorers’ Edge
Email: [email protected]
Christy Doyle
Director of Environmental & Watershed Programs
Muskoka Watershed Council
Email: [email protected]