Almaguin Highlands Tourism Product Development Session Follow-Up
THANK YOU (!) to over 40 attendees of this first-of- many sessions that are intended to empower tourism stakeholders and community members in the Almaguin Highlands (AH) to build competitive experiential product in your region. We hope this “co-creation” with you, ACED, community members and EE staff will create competitive positioning in the travel market for the AH, will help tourism operators increase revenue, and will engage the wider communities to benefit from “the business of tourism” also (“Be the Mushroom!”).
If you have any additional questions please let our team know [email protected] & [email protected]
Some additional resources for you that were mentioned in the presentation:
- “Regenerative Rising” Report that explains the rise of community-centric approaches in multiple sectors (download free report)
- Travel Manitoba’s definition of Experiential Tourism
- Shorefast Foundation link – these folks built and run Fogo Island Inn as a social enterprise for community sustainability (including socio, economic, cultural and environmental benefits)
Experiential Tourism Development Zoom
Explorers’ Edge will host an informative Zoom session on February 20 from 10am to 11am.
Our guest speaker is Trevor Norris, Sr. Manager Destination Development for the Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board. Trevor will discuss how his rural region is using experiential tourism development to be competitive. He will also give examples of regenerative tourism, and of how that organization applies these principles. This session is open to all stakeholders and community members in the greater region as well, and will be facilitated by me.
To register for this Zoom session, CLICK HERE.
In-Person Session #2
EE will be returning to the AH to continue our in-person co-creation. At this second session, we’ll work together to map current and potential experiential assets (cheeseboards!). ACED and EE will also have an update on our Cliff Valley Astrotourism event that is now planned for August (to be promoted starting in late March/April), which tourism stakeholders and community members can participate in for mutual benefit.
Session Details
- Date: Monday, March 3
- Location: Ryerson/Armour/Burk’s Falls Memorial Arena
- Time: 10am to 1:45pm (lunch provided)
Please note: it is not necessary to have attended the first session in order to attend the second…this is an ongoing process so please share the info with anyone you think might contribute in a positive way and benefit from the info.
Unrelated to the experiential product development work, EE will host a Zoom session on February 27th to help businesses understand the changing landscape of marketing and social media over the last little while. Our long-time strategist, Peter Coish, and Kate Monk discussing a few things that might be helpful to you. Check out the “Social Media & Marketing in a Crazy World” Zoom registration HERE.
We look forward to seeing you at these upcoming sessions!
If you have any questions please email [email protected], or the team at ACED. (Thank you ACED for your continuing collaboration!)