Co-Creation Lab Terms of Reference
As part of its Regenerative Tourism Strategy and its “community-centric approach”, commencing in Fall 2023, Explorers’ Edge (EE) will invite tourism stakeholders and community members to participate in a series of facilitated discussions that are intended to gather input and intelligence from individuals who may have substantial expertise or experience in a particular area that EE seeks insight into.
The objective of inviting participants into the sessions is to foster collective enthusiasm for a shared vision and intended outcomes for the benefit of our industry and our neighbours.
The Co-Creation Lab may host in-person or online sessions, and more than one session pertaining to a particular topic will likely be required (though individuals need not commit to more than one session at a a time).
Each session will be administered by a facilitator from EE staff and will have at least one senior member of EE staff present. EE Board members will have an open invitation to participate in all sessions.
The sessions will be recorded to track feedback.
Each session will define the category of participants sought for a particular topic (e.g. housing expert, revenue management expert, building trades operator, etc.), and Explorers’ Edge reserves the right to decline or end the participation of a particular individual on the basis of not determining a connection between that individual and the topic at hand.
If there is exponential interest in a particular topic, EE will run more than one session in order to ensure all participants can be engaged. (Smaller groups are preferred for optimal engagement.)
EE will adhere to its own DEI policy when administering a Co-Creation Lab session.
EE will post all upcoming Co-Creation Lab sessions in advance, and will send further details to participants prior to the sessions.
Participants are expected to contribute in order to create vibrant feedback, but they may also send follow-up notes post-session if preferable.
Individuals who wish to participate will:
-Provide full name, position, company/organizational info if relevant
-Provide a summary on their relevant experience or expertise relative to the session topic
-Be supportive of RTO12 and its projects; these sessions are intended for positive and helpful feedback only, and are not intended to be a forum for complaints
-Actively listen and participate
-Respect all other participants in the session
-Respect the guidelines by and direction from the facilitator in order to ensure positive and high engagement by all participants
-Agree to be recorded (video or written minutes formats)
-Indicate any accommodations they may require for participating to EE staff prior to the session
-Confirm that they have read the Terms of Reference prior to participation