The 2022 ‘Big Applause Awards’
Welcome to the 1st Annual “The Big Applause Awards” from Explorers’ Edge – in recognition of regional tourism employees who deserve a big round of applause for outstanding work!
Individual winners in seven categories will be announced at the Regional Tourism Summit that takes place June 22 at The Kee to Bala in Muskoka.
Winners will receive $200 Cdn to spend at regional accommodations, attractions, events, shops or restaurants and an invitation to a celebratory luncheon at the JW Marriott The Rosseau Muskoka Resort & Spa (date TBD) with RTO12 staff and Board members.
All nominees will be recognized in an upcoming RTO12 industry newsletter and at the Regional Tourism Summit.
Nominations in 7 Categories are now OPEN (see below) and will close Thursday, June 9 at 12pm.
Please review the 2022 Awards Guidelines located at the bottom of this page before submitting a nomination (required).
The 2022 Big Applause Awards Categories
Transferable Skills
The Exceptional Communications Award
Recognizing an employee who consistently demonstrates exceptional communication skills with guests/patrons and fellow staff, including: courtesy; clear and concise speaking or writing; positive body language; and active listening.
If you are an employer/manager and would like to nominate a staff member for this award, CLICK HERE.
The Above & Beyond Customer Service Award
Recognizing an employee who consistently goes above and beyond when working with guests/patrons, resulting in a positive response/feedback for the offered experience and for the company’s overall reputation.
If you are an employer/manager and would like to nominate a staff member for this award, CLICK HERE.
The Innovative Problem Solving Award
Recognizing an employee who demonstrated effective and innovative problem solving that resulted in an improved offering or service by the company, or which positively impacted a guest/patron experience that might otherwise have had a negative outcome.
If you are an employer/manager and would like to nominate a staff member for this award, CLICK HERE.
The Employer Applause Award
Recognizing an employee who exemplifies dedication to and exceptional performance in his/her/their role within the organization, contributing significantly to the overall success and/or development of the company.
If you are an employer and would like to nominate a staff member for this award, CLICK HERE.
The Guest / Patron Applause Award
Recognizing an employee of a regional tourism property you visited (i.e. accommodations, attractions, events, restaurants, shops, etc.) whose positive customer service and interaction contributed to making your visit/experience particularly enjoyable.
If you are a patron/visitor to the region and would like to nominate a regional employee for this award, CLICK HERE.
Fellow Staff Applause Award
Recognizing a fellow staff member at a regional tourism property (i.e. accommodations, attractions, events, restaurants, shops, etc.) who consistently demonstrated positive and helpful contributions at your shared workplace, which led to greater enjoyment of the work environment by other staff.
If you currently work in the regional tourism industry and would like to nominate a work colleague for this award, CLICK HERE.
The Future Of Tourism Award: Regional Secondary Schools
Recognizing one hospitality and tourism student at each regional secondary school with sector education who demonstrates a keen interest in the sector and who positively contributed to the class environment.
Secondary Schools located in the RTO12/Explorers’ Edge catchment include:
- Almaguin Highlands Secondary School
- Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes Secondary School
- Gravenhurst High School
- Huntsville High School
- Parry Sound High School
- St. Dominic Catholic Secondary School
If you are a hospitality & tourism educator at one of the above institutions and would like to nominate a student, CLICK HERE.
Nomination Guidelines
- The 1st Annual Big Applause Awardswill honour nominees who currently work in this specific regional tourism industry, and who have been employed since any time after March 2020 (when the pandemic began).
- The next annual awards will be relative to a period from June 2022 to June 2023.
- The region consists of six sub-regions, including: Algonquin Park, the Almaguin Highlands, Loring-Restoule, Muskoka, West Parry Sound District and South Algonquin.
- All award categories pertain to employment in this region only, and only at an establishment that considers tourism a main revenue source for operations.
- A Nominee may be entered in more than one category.
- Nominators may enter more than one Nominee in each category.
- Only one Nominee per category will be judged winner of the category award.
- Nominations must be filled out in full using the dedicated online link in order to be considered for judging by the Nominations Review Committee.
- Nominations must be submitted on or before June 9, 2022 by Noon (12pm) to be considered.
- Nominations will be screened for adherence to the guidelines by the Explorers’ Edge Administration Manager, and then successfully completed nominations will be submitted to the Nominations Review Committee, whose members will use a ranking system to select the winner in each category.
- The Nominations Review Committee consists of: Two (2) RTO12/Explorers’ Edge Board Members; the RTO12/Explorers’ Edge Executive Director; One (1) Independent HR Consultant; and One (1) representative from OTEC Workforce Solutions.
- Winners will be announced at the annual RTO12/Explorers’ Edge Regional Tourism Summit that takes place at the Regional Tourism Summit on June 22nd at The Kee to Bala in Muskoka.
2022 Big Applause Awards Nominations Review Committee
Hilary Chambers, Vice Chair RTO12 Board of Directors
Don MacKay, Treasurer, RTO12 Board of Directors
James Murphy, Executive Director, RTO12
Lori Braun, HR Executive, People & Culture Consultant at The Jamestown Group
Adam Morrison, President & CEO, OTEC Workforce Solutions