Facebook Small Business Solutions
This post contains information that helps our organization with its use and application of Social Media, specifically Facebook. Three great documents are posted for your use Facebook Ads and Business Solutions, Quantifying The Impact Of A Facebook Fan On Brand Interactions & How Social Marketing Works.
Explorers’ Edge Facebook Insight
Facebook Ads and Business Solutions
This document contains interesting Facebook Statistics, Key Terms, info on getting started, creating your page and Ads/sponsored stories. all information shared on this start-up sheet came directly from www.facebook.com.
The Facebook Factor
Quantifying The Impact Of A Facebook Fan On Brand Interactions
Why Read This Report: Quantifying the impact of a Facebook fan can be difficult and elusive for marketers. Forrester uses statistical modeling to analyze the effect of being a Facebook fan on brands. The model gives insight into how fans are more likely to interact with brands than non-fans and shows how engaging with the brand on Facebook affects the likelihood of three events: purchase, consideration, and recommendation of a
brand. We call this the “Facebook factor,” and this report describes how our model works and how market insights professionals can use the model to assess the Facebook factor for their company’s own brands. To show how the model works, we analyze the Facebook factor for Coca-Cola, Walmart, Best Buy, and BlackBerry (Research In Motion [RIM]).
The Power of Like
How Social Marketing Works
The following white paper is the second in the U.S. Power of Like series, a research collaboration between comScore and Facebook to deliver unique insights on the impact of social media marketing. The research, which primarily leverages data and analysis from comScore Social Essentials™, comScore AdEffx™ and Facebook’s internal analytics platform, focuses on the impact of branded earned and paid media exposure on the behavior of Facebook Fans and Friends of Fans. The summary report establishes the key findings and implications of this research.Click Here for the full report.