Notice of 2023 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will coincide with the Regional Tourism Summit taking place at the Muskoka Discovery Centre from 8.45am – 11:45am on Wednesday September 20, 2023. The Regional Tourism Summit will provide a Year-In-Review update for the previous fiscal period (April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023) and give additional updates on current programs pertaining to the company’s innovative Regenerative Tourism Strategy. Senior staff will also present details of the “Workforce Infrastructure Strategy” (WIS), which encapsulates the long-term approach to filling critical labour shortages in the regional tourism industry, and potentially additional sectors as well. The WIS focuses on three main priorities: training, housing and incentivization. Click here for more information.
DATE: Wednesday September 20, 2023
TIME: 12.00pm Call to Order
PLACE: Muskoka Discovery Centre, 275 Steamship Bay Road, Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1Z9
Included in the AGM package:
- Agenda
- Minutes July 2022 Annual General Meeting
- Draft Slate of Incoming Directors
- 2022 – 2023 Draft Audited Financial Statements
- To appoint the public accountants of the Corporation for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024;
- To consider and if thought fit, confirm, with or without such variation or amendment as may be made at the meeting, a special resolution to approve Articles of Amendment attached hereto as Schedule “A”
- To consider and if thought fit, confirm, with or without such variation or amendment as may be made at the meeting, a special resolution to approve the draft of General Operating By-law No. 2 attached hereto as Schedule “B”
- Transact such further and other business as may properly be brought before the meeting or any adjournment thereof
Click here to register for the upcoming 2023 Annual General Meeting and Regional Tourism Summit.
We look forward to seeing you at AGM 2023.
James Murphy, CEO
Regional Tourism Organization 12 / Explorers’ Edge